The Trinity Community Church Podcast

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Monday Sep 05, 2022

"The Church is built for deep waters." Our faith has the ability to be deepened and strengthened, but how do we do that? Today, we talk about a key step: learning to live with Kingdom priorities. How does God want us to live? When we can answer that question, we take a powerful step into deeper living!

Monday Aug 29, 2022

Mercy is a tricky subject, especially in a world so charged with conflict. There are a lot of definitions of mercy people might point to, but today, we explore what God thinks of mercy.Mercy isn't "just" forgiveness. It's the power to change your life and revive your brokenness!

Monday Aug 22, 2022

Like a delicious recipe, there's a world of difference between knowing the ingredients and tasting the real thing. Our faith can't thrive on knowledge alone – we need to experience the presence of God to be changed!Today we dig into what it actually means to "experience the presence of God" and how it changes our lives with each encounter.

Monday Aug 15, 2022

We often have a hard time wrestling with the tension between justice and mercy. Parts of our world can feel "too just" while other places feel "too merciful" to the point of being unjust.
Yet, in God, we find a perfect picture of both. And He doesn't pick between the two – He is ALWAYS fully just and merciful. He calls us to live the same way, and today, we dive into what that kind of life looks like.

Monday Aug 08, 2022

Life has a way of shaking up our "normal" – and when we get turned around, we can lose sight of God. Thankfully, God never loses sight of us. More than that, He stays close to us when we don't know which way is up. His faithfulness can weather every storm. Today, we explore HOW we can experience the closeness and faithfulness of God when life gets crazy.

Monday Aug 01, 2022

There's nowhere we can go that is too far for God! Today, we dig into God's omnipresence - His ability to be everywhere at once.It's not just a God-sized super power; it's a God-sized comfort for us when we need Him most!

Monday Jul 25, 2022

As we continue to explore just how undomesticated God's attributes are, today we focus on His omniscience - His complete knowledge of everything and everyone.It's not just about his God-sized knowledge of our past and present, but He sees our future. He sees our redemption, our sanctification, and the great works He has laid out for us. And he can see them long before we can.

Monday Jul 18, 2022

In our series on God's undomesticated attributes, we take one we know - His power - and dive deeper into what that means.We know His power is limitless, but the real question is whether or not we walk in that power in our lives. That power is matchless, and it belongs to His people. The invitation is for you!

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022

Do you ever feel like the phrase "God is good" is more of a cliche than a life changing truth?
When we pause long enough to reflect on what this powerful phrase actually describes, our world is rocked by just how good God actually is... And He calls us to be like Him.

Monday Jul 04, 2022

Welcome to our new series: Beyond || The Undomesticated Attributes of GodToday, we explore the truth that God doesn't change. You might have heard that before, but how does it CHANGE the way we live out our faith? You might find that His constant nature is just what you need today.

Copyright Trinity Community Church

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