The Trinity Community Church Podcast

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A Life of Joy || The Arrival

Monday Dec 13, 2021

Monday Dec 13, 2021

True joy is not circumstantially dependent. It's divinely dependent. With the arrival of Christ, those who put their faith in God had new, unshakeable reason for joy. Today, we can share in the joy of a timeless savior.

True Peace || The Arrival

Monday Dec 06, 2021

Monday Dec 06, 2021

Peace may not be the first word you use to describe our world today. You might even think "peace" doesn't describe the Church today.When we come back under the reign of the Prince of Peace, the Christian life is one that's marked by peace!

Monday Nov 29, 2021

"In heavy darkness, the people have seen a great light."Those words rang true when Jesus came into our world to save His people from their sins. The miracle? We can say the same thing today as we encounter Jesus - whether it's the first time or if we've walked with Him for years.If you feel like you've been stuck in the midst of a heavy darkness, today's message is for you. Jesus is for you.

Monday Nov 22, 2021

For many Christians, the thought of supernatural miracles and ministry is confusing, if not suspicious. Today, we explore what the Word has to say about the power God gives to His Kingdom to carry out his spiritual, emotional, and physical provision.

Monday Nov 15, 2021

Ready for a heart-warming, faith-building fireside chat? Today we dive into God's Word to experience the truth about God's heart for provision. We encounter His love for us, His power around us, and His testimony in us.

Monday Nov 08, 2021

How much of life is spent being fearful of having enough? Even if we have enough today, we often feel one surprise away from our "enough" running out.Our life changes when we realize that WE don't need to worry about "enough" when we walk with a God who is always enough.

Monday Nov 01, 2021

If you've ever felt like your Christian walk has been a little stuck recently, it might be that God is calling you to discover FAITH in a whole new way.It's just not a good feeling, it's the core and substance of our relationship with God. Without, we wither. With it, we prosper.

Monday Oct 25, 2021

Sometimes in the Kingdom, God calls us to take ground and stand up to the forces of darkness. Today, we look at David's life and how he partnered with God to bring salvation from the unlikeliest of places.

Monday Oct 18, 2021

Dr. Allen Griffin joins us this week to explore a unique perspective - experiencing (and becoming) the aroma of Christ.

Monday Oct 11, 2021

When we are facing our greatest trials, sometimes God doesn't save us FROM them. He walks us THROUGH them. We look at the story of the fiery furnace in Daniel, and we reflect on how faith looks especially crazy... unless you see the God who stands in the fire with His people.

Copyright Trinity Community Church

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