
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
In the midst of all our busyness this Easter, we take time to reflect on a more sober part of what we celebrate - the suffering of Christ. His example of suffering well is one for us to learn from and follow. Today, we talk about what suffering well in the Kingdom looks like.

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Before the faith was called "Christianity", we were called followers of "The Way". So, before "Christian" was a common label, what made this "Way" so different that it got its own name? The life that Christ calls us to is radically different than the way our sin nature wants us to live. That's why today, we're diving into Paul's description of the calling we receive when we accept Christ - one of gentleness, true humility, peace, and kindness.

Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
John 15 shows us a beautiful picture of how Jesus tends to us as believers to help us bear good fruit. When we are broken, he lifts us up and puts us in a position to grow. If we are already bearing fruit, he prunes us further so we can bear even more fruit.

Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Our hearts don't change for the better (or for worse!) overnight. Real change starts as a seed and grows until it bears fruit.Our question today is what seeds are we allowing to be planted in our hearts? Seeds of sin, discouragement, and doubt? Or seeds of faith that grow into a lasting love for God and people?

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
As we continue our series "Thrive", we take a look at a key part of the rich, fulfilled life Christ came to give us: the soil of our hearts.Are our hearts healthy and ready to receive God's seeds? Or are they hardened, rocky, and thorny preventing our spiritual growth?Jesus himself gave us 4 great examples of what spiritual soil looks like: 3 bad, 1 one great. Today, we glean strong warnings and stronger encouragement from the parables of Jesus.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
John Thompson led our congregation in corporate prayer for the crisis in Ukraine. We are sharing his prayer in podcast form to invite you to pray alongside us for the suffering to end.John is a member of our church & worship team who spent time in Russia and Ukraine during his younger days in the military. During that time, he formed deep friendships with the people of that region. John's relationships have been fueling his heartfelt prayers, and he opened our service to lead our church in an urgent time of prayer.

Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
God made life to have seasons - both in nature and in our lives. We have highs and we have lows - and more specifically, sometimes our FAITH has highs and lows. But even through summer and winter, God's desire is for us to thrive in every season. If our faith runs deep, so can our sense of purpose and peace. Today, we learn what it takes to that have that kind of faith.

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
This Sunday, we get a kaleidoscopic view of hospitality and the Gospel. We are joined by voices from our Church family who show their stories of how God used hospitality to open their hearts to the Gospel.

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
We continue our weekly honor of Black History Month - honoring the incredible victories God has performed in and through the African American community.This week, we honor a champion of the faith: Lucy Farrow. She was born a slave and flourished into a powerful revivalist, most notably in the Azusa Street Revival. She's especially beloved in Charismatic traditions for the way spiritual gifts followed her ministry. Wherever she went, so did God's supernatural power.Join us in praising God for her life, ministry, and legacy. Remember that no matter who you are or where you come from, God's gifts are for ALL of His children. Just like Lucy, be willing to say "Here am I. Send me!"

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
The life of Jesus is our model for how we should live. And sometimes, that model calls us to roll up our sleeves to do the work most of us prefer to avoid. When it comes to our love for each other, Jesus sets the example of washing each others feet - a beautiful picture of love, service, forgiveness, and redemption. Dive in with us as reflect on this story and prepare our own hearts for the same work.